Request Membership to Crown Homeschool Community!
Fill out the form below and click the Continue button at the bottom.
Thank you for your interest in joining Crown Homeschool Community!
CHC is a membership-based private organization. CHC has the right to deny admission for any reason. Families who apply for membership understand that they must agree to and sign our Statement of Faith and may be removed from membership for non-compliance with CHC policies or for behavior that is not in line with our Statement of Faith or discipline guidelines.
Membership dues and options:
Family Membership Only (As a member family you can attend events, dances, field trips, MNO, etc. at a low cost): $100 for 2024/2025
Family Membership plus full-year (whole family) Wednesday Co-op: $230.00 for 2024/2025
ADD-ON High School Monday class day: $100.00 per family for 2024/2025
***Our membership year runs until May 31st.
Most of our Wednesday Co-op classes are parent-led which only requires a small class fee.
**If the class is an outside paid instructor class:
Our instructors have made their plans to be with Crown for both semesters based upon your commitment to them. By signing up for a vendor class, you are committing to being enrolled in their class, the whole school year. If you are enrolled in a vendor class, you will be required to pay for the full year class, whether or not you continue in the class.
**Payment Instructions: All required class deposits due June 1st. First semester payment is due in full at Orientation. Second semester payment is due in full on Wednesday, January 22nd.
Instructor's fees are listed in the class descripion on the Class Registration Page. The class schedule will be posted soon. Class registration will be in late March. You must have your Crown membership paid for, and approved, before you are able to enroll in co-op classes.